Season 9 Case 17
History: Wrist Pain
Answer: Trans-scaphoid Perilunate dislocation
-lunate still "normal" position while other carpal bones dislocate dorsally ++ assoc scaphoid fx! (count the proximal row!)
Perilunate Dislocation:
Mechanism: high-energy trauma (MVA) or FOOSH (fall on outstretched hand)
Injury: torn radioscaphoid, scapholunate & lunotriquetral ligaments.
Look for the scaphoid fx!
-Frontal: lunate appears triangular ("pie sign") & overlaps capitate
-Lateral: lunate "normal"w other carpal bones dislocated (typically dorsal). Somtimes slight palmar tilt from the capitate trying to get back to normal -capitate not sitting in "cup" of lunate
Perilunate Dislocation is often confused with LUNATE dislocation.
Although there are similarities, just remember what is actually dislocating.
Is the lunate dislocated?
Yes=LUNATE dislocation
NO,but other bones dislocated? = PERI-lunate dislocation